Зачем изучать русский язык?
Тем студентам, которые начинают, я бы сказал, что русский язык кажется, может быть, многим в начале очень трудным и сложным языком. Но через три года русский язык покажется вам, я обещаю, не очень трудным, не очень сложным и очень логическим языком. <...> Я не могу советовать студентам и аспирантам изучать русский язык с единственной целью чтобы стать профессором русского языка. Однако я думаю, что сейчас открывается все больше и больше мест [для специалистов] с русским языком в американских правительственных органах. Для того, чтобы устроиться на работу в правительство США, нужно не только изучать русский язык и культуру, но нужно изучать еще какие-нибудь другие дисциплины, например, энергетику, международные отношения, коммерцию, торговлю, историю и так далее. Чтобы устроиться на работу со специальностью, нужно знать и какую-нибудь другую дисциплину, и русский язык.
(Из интервью с Беном Рифкиным, профессором русского языка, проректором Университета Фэрли Дикинсона)
Why Study Russian?
For those students who are just starting out, I would say that Russian might seem very difficult and complex at first. But after three years, I promise you, Russian will seem not very difficult, not very complex, and very logical. <...> I cannot advise students and graduate students to study Russian solely to become a Russian language professor. However, I think that more and more opportunities are opening up for specialists with Russian language skills in American government agencies. To get a job in the US government, you need to not only study Russian language and culture, but also study some other disciplines, such as energy, international relations, commerce, trade, history, and so on. To get a job in a specialty, you need to know not only another discipline but also the Russian language.
(From the interview with professor of Russian Benjamin Rifkin, Fairleigh Dickinson University Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs)
“Choose to Study Russian for Professional Needs” is an open-access resource for studying, teaching, exploring, and using Russian in your career!
For Language Instructors: Each interview module includes an interview with native and near-native speakers (with subtitles in Russian and in English), the interview transcript, bio information, comprehension quizzes, and vocabulary flashcards. You can find downloadable promotional flyers on the Flyers page. Explore the interview modules, find pedagogical ideas on how to use the materials, incorporate them into your program curriculum, and promote your Russian for Professional Needs courses.
For Students: You can start from any of ten interview modules, each featuring a different professional field, including Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Cybersecurity, Space Exploration, International Relations, Journalism, Environmental Studies, Political Science, Medicine and Public Health. Learn new vocabulary, test your listening comprehension skills, and explore how advanced proficiency in Russian can help you build your career in many fields.
Follow the links below to learn more about our team and project, explore the interview modules, and find pedagogical ideas on using the materials and incorporating them into your program curriculum. Scroll down for a video on the importance of learning Russian.
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